Types of Massage

Both Bodywork and Massage are therapeutic methods for working with the human body to maintain or improve health.

Massage therapy is the use of hands and application of pressure to the soft tissue, known as "manual" therapy.
Massage therapy can take many forms, which include Swedish, Deep Tissue, Neuromuscular, or Eastern massage, just to name a few. Often a therapist will combine several modalities to create an "integrated" massage, using various techniques to address a client's individual needs.

Bodywork therapy involves manipulation of the soft tissues of the body as a way to maintain or improve health.  Bodywork therapy modalities are used to meet specific needs for relaxation, pain relief, or improved health. Charlotte will determine the type of therapy that best matches your needs and recommend a treatment plan.

Charlotte specializes in deep tissue and trigger point techniques. Never hesitate to ask questions and communicate expectations to her. 

Click here to learn about Nurturing the Mother Pregnancy Massage and Oncology Massage, both methods in which Charlotte is fully certified.

For interior views of the office, please click here.

Charlotte Duke Englehart,
LMBT NC license #2417