Specialty Massages

What is Nurturing the Mother Pregnancy Massage?
Nurturing the Mother pregnancy massage utilizes a comfortable, secure side-laying position to avoid undue pressure on a growing abdomen and the lower back. Mothers are completely supported by pillows, keeping top hip, knee and ankle on the same level to avoid pulling on the sacroiliac joint and to maximize blood and lymph circulation. Nurturing the Mother uses a combination of the following methods:

Benefits of pregnancy massage include:
source: the Touch Research Institute of Miami

Oncology Massage is the modification of existing massage therapy techniques in order to safely work with complications of cancer and cancer treatment. Essential aspects of an oncology massage therapist's skill set are an informed understanding of the disease itself and the many ways it can affect the human body; the side effects of cancer treatments, such as medications, surgery, chemotherapy and radiation; and the ability to modify massage techniques in order to adapt for these side effects, as well as for the disease.


Charlotte Duke Englehart
LMBT NC license #2417